Social Work

Social Work

Animal Welfare Supporter 

In 2004, Laudico became human to a Black Labrador named Una. During Una’s 11-year life, Laudico was an active supporter for the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

Together with Una, they participated primarily in the organization’s 'Dr. Dog Program'. Laudico continues to support the cause of animal welfare in the Philippines.


Social Work

Animal Welfare Supporter 

In 2004, Laudico became human to a Black Labrador named Una. During Una’s 11-year life, Laudico was an active supporter for the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)

Together with Una, they participated primarily in the organization’s 'Dr. Dog Program'. Laudico continues to support the cause of animal welfare in the Philippines.

Events Events

Articles about Animal Welfare

A Different Kind of 
Christmas Party
The Philippine Animal Welfare Society

Dr. Dog Philippines
The Philippine Animal Welfare Society

Don't cook for your dog, 
By Rube Bloom C. Rule, Cook Magazine

Articles about Animal Welfare

A Different Kind of Christmas Party
The Philippine Animal Welfare Society

Dr. Dog Philippines
The Philippine Animal Welfare Society

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